Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS)

Biogas is a winner at Unisa cook-off competition

“It was fast and safe, and worked like a stove, but quicker. The heat was not excessive but it was enough.” Young chefs from Elethu Themba Public School in Eikenhof near Lenasia are sold on the idea of converting their school kitchen to biogas. Read more

Stepping on the (bio)gas

Congratulations to Ralph Muvhiiwa from Unisa’s Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS). He will be doing his postdoctoral studies at Cranfield University in the UK from 1 May until 31 December 2018, supported by the Rutherford Fund Strategic Partner Grant. Read more

From waste to clean energy production and equality

Delivering her inaugural lecture, Unisan Prof Yali Yao of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology shared insights on how her research aims to address the current energy crisis and its environmental impact by converting waste materials and carbon dioxide gas to clean energy sources. Read more

Turning horse poop into power

SANEDI and Exxaro, together with Unisa’s IDEAS, are installing a biodigester at the EARTH Centre, an NPO that offers free therapeutic riding to physically and mentally challenged children and young adults who cannot afford it. Read more

Exciting collaboration with China to focus on new energy

In-depth collaboration between Unisa and some of the foremost Chinese energy researchers is set to change the lives of the less privileged through new technologies. Read more

Renewable energy from Unisa project will save school many thousands of rands

Unisa’s Institute for Development of Energy for African Sustainability and the Unisa chapter of the student organisation: Engineers without Borders produce biogas to save school thousands of rands. Read more

Strengthening Sino-SA partnerships

Unisan Diane Hildebrandt has received a Yanzhao Friendship award—the highest honorary award given to foreign experts by the Hebei Provincial Government—in recognition of her promotion of extensive exchanges and cooperation between China and South Africa. Read more

Top talker about science

Trevor Simbayi, a master's student in Biotechnology at the Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability at Unisa, has made it to the finals of FameLab SA. Read more