Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS)

Dr C Bhondayi

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Engineering
Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS) Research Institute
Senior Lecturer
011 670 9714


  • B Eng Chemical Engineering, (2006) National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
  • MSc Chemical Engineering, (2010) University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • PhD Mineral Processing, (2014)  University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

NRF Rating


Currently teaching

Dr Bhondayi is currently a senior lecturer in the Institute for Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS). He is the head of Comminution research group within the institute. He supervises six masters students.

Fields of academic interests

Research Interests:  

Mineral beneficiation by physical methods, understanding and improving recovery across the froth with froth flotation, understanding factors affecting froth recovery, developing novel methods to quantify froth phase sub-processes including bubble sizes, bubble coalescence. Work also include modelling of froth phase in mineral flotation systems and application of flotation to non-conventional processes.

Current research includes: understanding selectivity across the pulp-froth interface, froth selectivity to coarse particles. Application of oil agglomeration and froth flotation to upgrade tyre pyrolysis char. Coarse particle flotation.  Resources of interests include gold, PGM, Coal and base metals etc.

Field of Specialisation

  • Mineral Processing/Comminution

Journal articles

  1. Bhondayi, C. (2019). Use of bubble load to interpret particle transport across the pulp-froth interface in a flotation cell. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing.  IF 1.062
  2. Bhondayi, C., Moys, M.H, Danha, G. (2016) Effect of pulp chemistry and solids on a froth bubble size measurement method, Powder Technology, 297, 202-210
  3. Bhondayi, C., M Moys. (2014). Measurement of a proxy for froth phase bubble sizes as a function of froth depth in flotation machines Part 1. Theoretical development and testing of a new technique. International Journal of Mineral Processing 130, 8–19
  4. Danha, G., Hildebrandt, D., Bhondayi, C., 2015. A laboratory scale application of the attainable region technique on a platinum ore, Powder Technology 274; 14-19
  5. Bhondayi,C.,  Moys, M.H., 2015. Effects of gas distribution profile on flotation cell performance: an experimental investigation. International Journal of Mineral Processing  10.1016/j.minpro.2015.01.004
  6. Bhondayi, C., Moys, M.H., Fanucchi, D., Danha, G., 2015. Numerical and experimental study of the effect of a froth baffle on flotation cell performance. Minerals Engineering 77, 107–116
  7. Danha,G., Hildebrandt,H., Glasser, D., Bhondayi,D.,2015. Application of basic process modeling in investigating the breakage behavior of UG2 ore in wet milling, Powder Technology 279; 42-48
  8. Bhondayi,C., Moys, M.H., Fanucchi, D., Danha, G., 2015. A numerical study of the effect of gas distribution profile across the pulp-froth interface on flotation performance. Powder Technology, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2015.07.042
  9. G. Danha, N. Hlabangana, D. Legodi, D. Hildebrandt, D.Bhondayi, A fundamental investigation on the breakage of a bed of silica sand particles: An attainable region approach’ Powder Technology. Volume 301,  (2016) 1208–1212
  10. Danha, G.,Bhondayi, C., Hlabangana, N., Hildebrandt, D., 2017. Determining the PGM bearing mineral phase in the UG2 ore.  Powder Technology, Volume 315, 15 June 2017, Pages 236–242.
  11. N. Hlabangana  G. Danha, N.G. Mguni, M.S. Madiba, C. Bhondayi, 2018, Determining an optimal interstitial filling condition: An Attainable Region approach, Powder Technology 327 (2018) 9–16.
  12. C. Bhondayia, M. H. Moysb, and Eric Tshibwabwa, (2018). Relationship between froth bubble size estimates and flotation performance in a semi-batch lab cell, MINERAL PROCESSING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY REVIEW VOL. 39, NO. 4, 284–288
  13. Bhondayi,C., Moys,M.H.,2011. Determination of sampling pipe (riser) diameter for a flotation bubble load measuring device, Minerals Engineering. Volume 24, Issue 15, Pages 1664–1676

Paper presentations

  1. Bhondayi, C., Moys, M.H., Tshibwabwa, E ,The effect of froth bubble size distribution on flotation performance in a semi-batch lab cell, XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress 2016, Quebec city, Canada
  2. Bhondayi, C.,Moys, M.H., effect of froth depth and gas rate on an estimate of flotation froth phase bubble sizes,  XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress -IMPC 2014, Santiago Chile
  3. Hlabangana, N., Danha, G., Bhondayi, C., Mguni, N.G., Hildebrandt, D, 2017. Processing of gold-bearing sand dumps: a case study in zimbabwe. Conference: Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Conference, At Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy.


  1. Moys, M.H., Bhondayi, C.,  A method of estimating bubble size , Patent Journal No. 6, 29 June 2016, Vol 49 (Part 2, 2), Page 45

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

Professional Memberships:

  1. Southern African institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM)
  2. Engineering council of South Africa (ECSA)
  3. South African institute of Chemical Engineers (SAICHE)
  4. Zimbabwe institute of Engineers (ZIE)


  1. NUST book price (2005)
  2. Postgraduate masters merit award (2009)
  3. Postgraduate PhD merit award (2009)
  4. PG Bradlow Postgraduate award (2012)
  5. Postgraduate PhD merit award (2012)
  6. PG-Harold Doris Tothil schol award (2014)
  7. Postgraduate PhD merit award (2014)
  8. National research foundation Y-rated


  1. Impact of froth flow modifiers on the recovery of coarse particles across the froth phase.
  2. Measurement of bubble sizes in flotation froths: extracting froth phase bubble size distribution (FBSD) from intra-bubble impact distances (IID)
  3. Simultaneous measurement of froth phase bubble sizes and froth rheology.
  4. An Investigation on the Role of the Pulp-Froth Interface in Particle Detachment: The Effect of Particle Size, Particle Density, Particle Hydrophobicity and Bubble Size.