Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS)

Dr J Fox

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Engineering
Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS) Research Institute
Senior Lecturer
011 670 9050


  • Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  • Heat Engines and Pumps
  • Heat Exchanger Design
  • Heat Integration
  • Process Synthesis


  • BSc. Chemical Engineering, University of Witwatersrand
  • PhD. Chemical Engineering, University of Witwatersrand

Currently teaching

Dr Fox is a Senior Lecturer at the Institute for the Development of Energy for African Sustainability (IDEAS), a research institute at UNISA. He heads the Energy research division within the institute. His approach to research and student supervision is to focus on smaller, leaner teams that produce high quality research and innovations. He currently directly supervises three masters and doctoral students.

Fields of academic interests

Dr Fox is an expert in the area of Energy research. He has developed numerous innovative and sustainable energy solutions. Notable examples include: waste-to-energy, energy efficiency and energy centric optimization techniques.

Field of Specialisation

Dr Fox has an unusual combination of skills, having worked both in academia and on commercial projects. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), a rare feat for an academic.

Journal articles

  1. Fox A. J., Stacey T. N. Process targeting: An energy-based comparison of waste Plastic processing technologies. Energy, 2019, 170, 273-283.
  2. Glasser L, Fox A. J., Hildebrandt D., Glasser D. Thermodynamic optimisation of steady-flow industrial chemical processes. International Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2018, 9(4), 353-361.
  3. Stacey N., Fox J., Hildebrandt D. Reduction in greenhouse water usage through inlet CO2 enrichment. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64, 2324–2328.
  4. Fox A.J., Hildebrant D., Glasser D., Patel B. Process Flow-Sheet Synthesis: Systems-Level Design applied to Synthetic Crude Production. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2017, 40, 643-648.
  5. Hildebrandt, D., Glasser, D., Patel, B., Sempuga, B. C., & Fox, J. A. Making Processes  Work.  Accepted for publication in Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2015.
  6. Fox, J.A., Hildebrandt, D., Glasser, D., Patel, B. And Hausberger, B. (2014) Process Flow Sheet Synthesis: Reaching Targets for Idealized Coal Gasification. AIChE Journal ,60 (9), 3258-3266.
  7. Metzger, M., Glasser, B., Patel, B., Fox, J., Sempuga, B., Hildebrandt, D. and Glasser, D. (2013) Liquid Fuels from Alternative Carbon Sources Minimizing Carbon Dioxide Emissions. AIChE Journal, 59, (6), 2063-2078.
  8. Fox, J. A., Hildebrandt, D., Glasser, D., and Patel, B. (2013). A graphical approach to process synthesis and its application to steam reforming. AIChE J., 59(10), 3714-3729.
  9. Hildebrandt, D. and Fox, J. (2014) Addressing a Design Defect: Process Targets and Flowsheets, FOCAPD 2014.


Two patents:

Carbon Absorbing System Used in the Production of Synthesis Gas

United States Patent

Carbon Absorbing System Used in the Production of Synthesis Gas

Patent date Filed Sep 27, 2012 

Patent issuer and number us 20120241675 13/322774

European Union Patent

Carbon Absorbing System Used in the Production of Synthesis Gas

Patent date Filed Mar 12, 2010

Patent issuer and number eu 2010136980

A Process and/or system for converting waste plastic into power

Patent pending

Priority date: 7 November 2018

Recent publication

Process targeting: An energy based comparison of waste plastic processing technologies

Published in Energy, December 2018, the number 6 top journal in the field of energy.