ICT4D Research Flagship

Welcome to the ICT4D group at the University of South Africa. We conduct research in the area of Information and Communication Technologies for Development. By “information and communication technologies,” we mean advanced technologies for information processing and communication, usually, but not always based on digital technologies. By “development,” we mean human development defined broadly — often concerned with the socio-economic development of the world’s poorer communities, but also involving a broader understanding of sustainable human and environmental thriving in a range of contexts.

Our work is interdisciplinary, involving activities such as the design, development and evaluation of computing systems for marginalised communities; the study of specific groups and the ways they engage with technology; or the experimental evaluation of technology-assisted programs to support human development. Though most of our work involves aspects of both technology and development, the degree to which either aspect is emphasized depends on the project.

In terms of operationalisation this vision, the activities of the group take place under the two pillars, namely the ICT4D Flagship and the SARChI chair in ICT4D. The flagship is one of five flagships in the College of Science Engineering and Technology (CSET) at UNISA, it was established in 2013 and receives its funding from CSET as well as from external sources. The SARChI Chair in ICT4D was established in 2016 and is funded by the National Research Foundation(NRF). 

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:04:24 SAST 2023