
How do I donate?

There are several ways to give to the Library. You can do any of the following:

  1. Become a Friend of the Unisa Library:

    The Friends of the Unisa Library enrich the Library's resources in two major ways:

    • By in kind (non-monetary) donations of new or secondhand books, manuscripts, works of art, musical instruments …and so on.
    • By once off or planned giving, on a monthly or annual basis, of monetary donations. These donations provide an additional income for the purchase of Library material or IT infrastructure, the holding of conferences by the Unisa Library and other Library projects.

  2. Make a Bequest:

    It is possible to make provision in your will for a bequest to the Unisa Library. When contributing by means of a bequest, the donor’s immediate family will become Friends of the Unisa Library.

  3. Make a pledge

  4. Monetary donation


Library Donor relations Coordinator

Tel: 012 441 5879

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 17:14:20 SAST 2023