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Major combinations:
NQF Level 5: SCR1501, SCR1502, SCR1503, BTH1501 and THE1503
NQF Level 6: SCR2601, SCR2602, and SCR2603
NQF Level 7: SCR3701, SCR3702, SCR3703, SCR3704, and SCR3705

Christian Origins and Early Christian Contexts. Introduction to Early Christian Literature and History - SCR1501
Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in
Co-requisite: BTH1501
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to equip students with the requisite knowledge and skills to explain, analyse and evaluate discourses and debates in the scientific study of early Christian documents. Students will also be able to competently explain the function of early Christian literature in contemporary meaning making and identity, as well as explain the context for the origins of Christianity, and the early history of Christianity up to the second century C.E and including the formation of the Christian canon; and describe and explain the contents, composition history, and message of the corpus of early Christian literature in order to interpret the Bible competently.
Introduction to Ancient Israelite Literature, Theology, History and Archaeology - SCR1502
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: BTH1501
Purpose: of the learning is to: introduce students to the literature of the Old Testament; facilitate knowledge of the ancient Near Eastern world, including ancient Israel, as context of the Old Testament literature; facilitate knowledge of the messages of the books of the Old Testament; cultivate an ability to make a contextual interpretation within the student's own theological tradition
The Formation of New Testament Identities: Martyrs, Apologists, and Early Church Fathers - SCR1503
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: BTH1501
Recommendation: Students to register together with SCR1501
Purpose: of the module is to facilitate knowledge of how the New Testament influenced the formation of identity in early Christian literature of the second, third, and early fourth centuries, specifically within the martyrologies, apologetic writings, and early church fathers. Qualifying learners are able to explain the role these writings played in the development and understanding of early Christian religious identities more generally.
The Foundation of New Testament Identities: From Letters to the Gospels - SCR2601
Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in
Pre-requisite: SCR1501
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to facilitate knowledge of the New Testament and early Christian literature of the first and second centuries, specifically consisting of the New Testament Letters, the canonical Gospels and selected Apostolic Fathers and apocryphal texts. Students will also be able to explain the socio-cultural contexts in and from which these literatures developed, as well as the role this literature played in the development and self-understanding of early Christianity.
Life Orientation and Biblical Interpretation - SCR2602
Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in
Purpose: The purpose of the module is to facilitate an understanding of the rationale of Life Orientation as a field of study and enable learners to describe and critically engage with biblical perspectives on life orientation. Students who qualify in this module will be able to facilitate an understanding of people's experiences of coming to terms with life challenges as encountered in present-day African and other contexts as well as ancient Israelite societies and make a contribution to the understanding and teaching of life orientation in present-day African and other contexts through their engagement with ancient religious texts.
Christianity changed the world - SCR2603
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Pre-requisite: THE1503
Purpose: Qualifying students will be introduced to Church History as the foundation of all Theology and equips them with basic historical research competencies and capacities.
Legacy of New Testament Identities: The Establishment of Christendom - SCR3701
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to facilitate knowledge of the formation and establishment of Christendom in the third and early fourth centuries, specifically focussing on the processes of defining Christianity up to the making of Christianity as official religion of the Roman Empire, as well as to facilitate knowledge of the socio-cultural and historical contexts in which these developments took place. Qualifying learners are able to explain the main historical events, the most important Christian writers, as well as the role played by Emperor Constantine and the 'Constantinian revolution' in the development, definition, and establishment of Christianity.
New Testament Identities Today: Christian Discourses in the Public Spheres of Contemporary Culture - SCR3702
Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in Module presented online
Pre-requisite: SCR1501, SCR1503 & SCR2601
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to acquire knowledge on how biblical and Early Christian Discourses have functioned in the production of contemporary culture, and how they affect everyday life. Students are able to identify and critically assess contemporary effects of Christian discourse.
Bible, Gender, and Ecology - SCR3703
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: SCR1502
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to put emphasis on the Bible, gender and ecology in present day contexts with a special interest in Africa, and specific periods in ancient Israelite society. A selection of biblical texts, representing a variety of perspectives, will be studied.
Bible, Power, Politics, and Poverty - SCR3704
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: SCR1502
Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to: 1. Facilitate an understanding of the interrelationships between power, politics and poverty; 2. Enable learners to describe and critically engage with biblical perspectives on power, politics, and poverty; 3. Facilitate an understanding of people's experiences of power-relations and poverty in the present-day world and ancient Israelite societies; 4. Equip students for making a contribution to the eradication of poverty in present-day societies through their engagement with ancient religious texts.
Reading the Old Testament to create new religious texts - SCR3705
Under Graduate Degree Semester module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: SCR1502
Purpose: To enable students to create new religious texts that are appropriate to contemporary contexts, by learning to do thorough exegesis of biblical texts, in which they display the skills of analysing their own context as well as the historical contexts of biblical narratives.