
About the Ombudsman’s office

Ombudsman Office

The office of the UNISA Ombudsman was established by the University

Council to enhance UNISA’s service delivery and to foster a culture of efficient and effective administration. The Ombudsman draws his or her authority from a founding document, approved by the University Council.

The Ombudsman is an appropriately qualified, experienced, independent person (i.e. neither an employee nor student of UNISA), whose function is to investigate written complaints referred by any person who feels aggrieved by conduct or lack of conduct on the part of the University or its employees,  which has caused him or her unanticipated prejudice.

The purpose of the service of the Ombudsman’s office is to resolve matters in a reasonably expeditious, effective and inexpensive manner.

Underlying Values

The Ombudsman conducts his/her business in a manner which promotes the constitutional values of integrity, social justice and fairness and excellence as reflected in the University’s strategic plan. In order to achieve this, the Ombudsman must:

  • Be an independent, external person and not the representative of any particular person or group;
  • Be seen as objective, impartial and unbiased;
  • Maintain confidentiality1 (except in instances of imminent personal harm); and
  • Demonstrate respect for all individuals and assist complainants to understand their rights and the University to perform its responsibilities more efficiently.


The activities of the Ombudsman are aimed at:

  • Improving UNISA’s service delivery and quality of administration by investigating complaints and making appropriate recommendations to the Principal and Vice Chancellor; and
  • Fostering a culture of good administration that is accountable, lawful, fair, transparent and responsive.

Last modified: 2023-11-23 09:24:01.0