Honours degrees & postgraduate diplomas

Academic research support

Postgraduate Research Training Programme

The School of Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies (SIRGS), which is in the College of Graduates Studies (CGS), supports you in your postgraduate research journey through a series of workshops. 

The postgraduate research training workshops are interdisciplinary in nature and will be useful to the whole Unisa postgraduate community. Remember researchers from all fields answer the same questions relating to their research:

  • Why is it important?
  • How and when is it going to be done?
  • What resources are needed? 

These workshops aim to give you a broader understanding of the research process. At the end of the workshops, you should be able to talk with greater confidence about research methodologies and the role of theory in research.


Research is a social activity that forms part of your unstructured learning in your career path. You will face many difficulties in undertaking this social activity. You will be called upon to be committed, resilient, work hard, display maturity, develop patience and understanding, and "grow a thick skin".

Your journey is likely to be smooth and rewarding if you use some of the tips provided in these research training workshops.

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African Academic Student Development Programme

The programme is offered by the School of Transdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Graduate Studies.  

The impact of Covid-19 has compelled us to immerse our postgraduate students in a comprehensive online support programme that reconceptualises the tenets of human involvement needs, with Covid-19 risks at the centre of methodological choices. As such, this has brought to the fore an emphasis on innovative online teaching options for developing the skills needed among our postgraduate students. It is within this context that the College of Graduate Studies (CGS) now puts forward its new initiative – the Unisa Accelerated Online Postgraduate Research Methodology, Academic Writing and Grant Writing Programme – to work alongside its other offerings.

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