Bureau of Market Research

2019 BMR Syndicate Research Membership Fees

A. Standard Syndicate Membership

The research focus of the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) is centred on the activities of the following four research divisions:

  • Behavioural and Communication Research
  • Demographic Research
  • Economic Research
  • Household Wealth Research

To join the BMR as a standard syndicate member, the following syndicate options are available:

Division Price per annum
(excluding VAT)
Number of reports
per annum
One division R26 000-00 1
Two divisions R35 000-00 2
Three divisions R42 000-00 3
Four divisions R46 000-00 4

Membership prices are revised annually in line with inflation expectations.  Members apply for a three-year period, after which they can decide to renew or terminate membership.

Click here to download the standard syndicate membership form.

Standard members qualify to purchase any research report in a division not sponsored at a discount price of R15 000-00 (VAT excluded).

BMR research reports are published only in electronic (Pdf) format.

Mrs M. Goetz
Senior Research Coordinator
Tel: +27 12 429 3329
E-mail: goetzm@unisa.ac.za

B. Top-up Syndicate Research Sponsorship

B1. Household Wealth Research Syndicate
Membership option Price per annum (Excluding VAT)

Basic membership*

R120 000-00

Silver membership*

R145 000-00

* Top-up membership includes standard syndicate membership to the Household Wealth Research Division valued at R26 000-00.

Membership options:  Fee structure 2019

Click here to download the Household Wealth Syndicate Programme (HWSP) top-up membership form.

Mrs M.C. Coetzee
Senior Computer Specialist
Tel: +27(0) 12 429 3021
E-mail: coetzmc@unisa.ac.za 

Prof C.J. van Aardt
Tel: +27(0)12 429 2940
E-mail: vaardcj@unisa.ac.za

B2. Business Research Syndicate



Business Research Syndicate membership*

R120 000-00

Value Added Tax (15 %)

R18 000-00

TOTAL (including VAT)

R138 000-00

* The Top-up membership includes standard syndicate membership to the Economic Research Division to the value of R26 000-00.

Click here to download the Business Research Syndicate membership form.

Mrs M. Nell
Tel: +27(0) 12 429 3044
E-mail: nellem@unisa.ac.za

Prof P. Kibuuka
Tel: +27(0)12 429 8234
E-mail: kibuup@unisa.ac.za

B3. Consumer Neuroscience Syndicate Research (CNSR)

  • Premier membership
  • Exclusive membership

For more information visit the Consumer Neuroscience Laboratory Website.

B4. Youth Research Syndicate 



Youth Research Syndicate Membership

R125 000-00

Value Added Tax (15 %)

R18 750-00

TOTAL (including VAT)

R143 750-00

Click here to download the Youth Research Syndicate membership form.

Dr A. Basson
Tel: +27(0) 12 429 3099
E-mail: bassoa@unisa.ac.za

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:02:03 SAST 2023