Research ethics

Standardised URERC endorsed resources for ERCs/RECs and applicants

To operationalise research ethics and attain similar quality standards across the university, the Research Integrity Office advocates the use of similar standardized research ethics templates, by all College and departmental ERCs. Below are the resources that the various college and departmental Research Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) should use. All approval certificate should indicate the validity period. For negligible and low risk Masters and non-degree studies, the recommended approval validity period is 3 years from the date of the certificate issue. For negligible and low risk Doctoral studies, the recommended validity period is 5 years from the date of the issue of the certificate. For medium and high risk studies, the recommended approval period is 1 year, renewable yearly, and the researchers must give a progress report.

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 17:24:44 SAST 2023