Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute

Programmes and admissions

The Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute (TMALI) is a unique African institution which aims to invest in thought leaders to enable them to acquire particular skills and act as agents of progressive African change. The vision of TMALI is to invest in thought leaders for African’s renewal and its mission is to become the centre of choice for research, teaching, learning and dialogue by African thought leaders to advance the African Renaissance.

Admission requirements

To be accepted into Short Learning Programmes, all prospective students must have:

  • NQF 4 or matric certificate or equivalent
  • a one year (minimum) tertiary qualification


Prospective students are expected to pay the full price per module(s) being registered. Read more


How to apply online?

  • You can apply online for our Short Learning Programmes, click here to download guidelines on how to apply

Upload supporting documents

Everyone applying for a new Short Learning Programme must submit the required documents The due date for uploading the required documents is the closing date for applications. No documents submitted after the closing date for applications will be accepted.

Unisa does not provide scanners or electronic devices. Please ensure that your documents are scanned and uploaded to an electronic device before starting the application process.

Application fee

No application fee is applicable when applying for Short Learning Programme

Make sure that your application is complete

If your application for admission to study through Unisa is incomplete, you will have to re-apply during the next application period

Short Learning Programmes offered:

Thought Leadership for Africa's Renewal

Aimed at developing and fostering new thought leaders for Africa’s renewal. It also aims to give voice to new ways of thinking by Africans about leadership in Africa. Students who have successfully completed this module will be self-empowered and develop the ability to lead and develop others as change agents and innovators for Africa’s renewal. They will gain relevant skills in leadership development within an African context, thereby positioning themselves to add value to the services delivered by the institutions for which they work, or community activities in which they lead or participate.

African Political Economy - The African Economic Challenge

Students will build a basic knowledge of macro-economic theory and policy, while delving deeper into Africa's economic situation and challenges

Africa & International Trade - Building an African Developmental State

Focusing closely on trade in Africa, this programme also builds basic knowledge of international trade theory, policy and practice.

Good Governance in Africa

Students will learn more about governance and leadership while interpreting policies and positions on governance issues.

Afrikan Feminist & Gender Studies

Through analysis of gender in Africa, this programme builds critical understanding of gender and development in a variety of areas.

Public Policy & Analysis for Africa's Development

It is critical to further investigate why certain policies work and what contexts allow for the success of certain policies over others. The course is also designed to challenge current and future policymakers in both the public and private sectors to seek to design M&E methodologies; policy stances that are informed by local realities and not standard textbook answers.